Our Family

Our Family

Monday, December 29, 2008

Patiently waiting

So as everyone knows Kayla Grace Pico is due to make her grand entrance into the world any day now. All I get to do in the meantime is wait for her to be ready. Each day recently I have had the privilege of feeling her have hiccups, (not sure what is causing them) playing with my ribs, (quite violently I may add) and of course thrusting her giant head into my pelvic region several times a day. You may be thinking to yourself "Wow, sounds like you're ready to have her come out!" and sometimes I am. However, other times I think "Am I?" I have enjoyed my pregnancy for the most part and I honestly think I will miss her moving about in my belly. Also, after talking with my friends who have children I have decided that its much easier having her inside of me then out. So while I have not been comfortable recently I feel that its a good trade off for what I get in return. I have my child who is always with me, fed, warm, happy, quiet, clean (as far as I know) and completely taken care of in everyway. Once she's here I will have to ensure that all her needs are met and they won't be taken care of automatically as they are now. Once air hits her lungs thats it! A new sound that John and I will be hearing quite often I am sure stating her dissatisfaction of the job we are doing as her parents and caregivers! On the other hand I am super excited to see her sweet face and hold her in my arms. John and I are both ready to start a new chapter in our lives and meet our new daughter. Until that day both of us will be patiently waiting!